As the new United Methodist Church emerges, it is easy to feel disconnected for a variety of reasons. UMsConnected is a ministry aimed to let you know you are not alone, and to offer you in-person and online resources to mature you in your faith and grow you as a disciple of JesusChrist.
UMsConnected stands at the intersection of Christian spiritual formation in general and the Wesleyan tradition in particular. There is light, life, and live where these two things converge. Our mission is captured in these three words…
To mature participants in a theology of love that expresses itself in personal and social holiness.
To provide online Wesleyan formation opportunities that offer Christ in meaningful and innovative ways.
To develop resources that facilitate Wesleyan formation. Anchored by our website, group facebook page, and podcast, we will go on to provide additional live and on-demand ministries and materials.
The three missional words are taken from a renewal paradigm described by Richard Foster in his book, ‘Life With God’ (HarperOne, 2008), and developed as the Immanuel Principle in ‘The Life With God Bible’ (HarperOne, 2005). This paradigm guides us well in the fulfillment of our mission.